Our Story

How We Got Started
HOINA’s story started in the heart of one woman named Darlene D. Large, whose passion for orphaned children led her on a lifelong quest to help as many children as possible. She first came to India with the idea of adopting one little girl but ended up coming back again and again for nearly 50 years, “adopting”
The Journey
In 1969, Darlene Large was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She began losing her sight, hearing, and speech. A flood of questions hit her mind, “How in the world am I going to take care of my children?” She began to fast and prayed to God. She vowed that if He would help give her enough healthy years to continue raising her children, she would dedicate the rest of her life to raising His.
It was two years after this prayer that Darlene would have a vision of establishing a home for Indian children. She thought at first, however, that these Indians would be Native Americans and began her work there. After meeting much resistance, she began to question where exactly God would have her see out these plans.
In 1975, she met a man named Dr. Livingston who was originally from Andhra Pradesh, India. He encouraged her to visit India and see the plight of children in his home country. It was his encouragement that sent her on her first trip to India in August of that year.
A few years later, in 1978, Darlene found a house in Tamil Nadu, South India, to rent for $15 a month, and appointing locals as staff, HOINA took in its first 7 children. Darlene went back to the States, took a job as an art teacher, and sent her salary over to pay for rent and food. By the end of the year, HOINA had grown to take care of 25 children. HOINA officially became registered under the Indian Trust Act.
In 1979, HOINA purchased 1.75 acres of land in Tamil Nadu, South India. In 1981 a larger home was built with the help of Lions Clubs International and the Lancaster-Lebanon PA Lions Club District 14D.
As HOINA’s first home in Tamil Nadu continued to grow and flourish, Darlene recognized the need to expand. In 1982, HOINA rented a home in Bapatla, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh and began to take care of orphaned boys.
Both the boys’ home in Andhra Pradesh and the girls’ home in Tamil Nadu were growing and taking new children every year. However, due to a fire, and a cyclone, which destroyed the boys’ home twice, HOINA decided to move the girls and boys to one central location. After finding a great property outside of Vishakapatanam, Andhra Pradesh, HOINA moved the boys north in 2003, and the girls, in 2009. HOINA now has a large 25-acre campus there, which houses both the boys’ home and the girls’ home.
Now home to 200 children, HOINA is committed to providing for them through their college education years. HOINA has raised thousands of children who have gone on to live happy and successful lives, giving back to their community, and some even sponsoring other HOINA children. HOINA Alumni frequently come back to visit their home, and their Mom, Darlene.